| John Clayton - 1789 - 134 pages
...it far furpaflcth the thoughts and conceptions pf the higheft order of intelligent beings. " O the depth of the riches, both of the " wifdom and knowledge of God ! how un.** fearchable are his judgements, and his '** ways paft finding out § !" The gaodnefs of the Lord,... | |
| Robert Macculloch - 1791 - 750 pages
...works of God—though a wife man * it \ ;' and then exclaim, in the words of the apoftle Paul, ' O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom ' and knowledge of God ||!' Of the works of the Almighty men are often obliged to acknowledge their Ignorance, whilft Jefus... | |
| Reformed Protestant Dutch Church (AMERICA, North) - 1793 - 402 pages
...And therefore with holy adoration of thefe myfteries, we exclaim in the words of the apoftle. " O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfearehable are his judgments, and his ways pad finding out ! For who hath known the mind of the Lord,... | |
| John Disney - 1793 - 516 pages
...lives. Very emphatically does the apoftle Paul exclaim, when fpeaking of the gofpel of Chrift, " O the depth of the riches, both " of the wifdom and knowledge of God* !" Were the queftion afked us, How have ye ufed theie true riches .which have been committed to your... | |
| Samuel Hopkins - 1793 - 640 pages
...brought iwto effeft. " O Lord, how manifold are thy works? Inu'ifdom haft thou made them all."t " O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge 'of God ! Hour uĞ(enrchable are his judgments, and his ways paft finding out !"§ The decrees of God are unchangeable... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1795 - 582 pages
...mind, his judgments are a great deep, and we ought to be deeply humbled before him, faying, " O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfearchabie are his judgments, and his ways pail finding out!" Rom. xi. 33. 4. We are to fing of mercy... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1796 - 540 pages
...That, with the apoftle, Rom. xi. 33. they may ftand at the fide of this ocean, and cry out, " O ! the depth of the riches, both of the wifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfearchable are hisr judgments, and his ways paft finding wit !" And that, by all things, they may come to know more... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1796 - 484 pages
...ravifhed, how Satan was defeat, how corruption was deprefled thereby; and then the man cries out, "O the depth of the riches, both of the wifdom and knowledge of God!" — The Spirit gives the foul alfo to fee divine power improved for it in a glorious way ; even fuch... | |
| James Kershaw - 1797 - 306 pages
...which the Angel promifed Daniel ? . . Didas. Such as he intended when he ffiut them sll up. This was, " That He might have Mercy upon ALL." O the depth of...the Riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of God !: Let us humbly adore what we cannot comprehend, not having been of the number of his Counfellors... | |
| John Wesley - 1797 - 514 pages
...Longlane likewiie in the evening 1 had a crowded audience, to whom I fpoke from thole words, " O the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of God !How unfearchable are hi* judgments and his ways pail finding out L " Sunday 27. After* diligent enquiry ma'de, I 'removedall... | |
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