| James Montgomery - 1827 - 296 pages
...may be had, with Plates, 41. 14s. 6d. Bds.' FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as popular Illustuitions of the Science, leading to its study as a Branch of...Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. 2d Edit. In 12mo. with 100 Woodcuts, comprising 200 Figures. Price 9s. Bds. " This answers more completely... | |
| 1827 - 522 pages
...BOTANY, with 21 Engravings. 5th Edition, enlarged, in 1 Vol. lyiiiu. 7s. 6d. plain, or 12s. coloured. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as Popular Illustrations...Branch of General Education. By JAMES L. DRUMMOND, MD 12mo. with 100 Wood-cuts, comprising 200 Figures. 9*. bds. The DIFFERENT MODES of CULTI. VATING the... | |
| Edward Bevan - 1827 - 454 pages
...to enable young persons to acquire a knowledge of Hie vegetable productions of lbeir native couiury. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY: intended as Popular Illustrations...Study as a Branch of general Education. By JAMES L. DRUMMONP, MD Professor of Anatomy and Physiology hi the Belfast Academical Institution. 2d Edit. 12mo.with... | |
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...Edition, enlarged, in I Vol. 12mo. 1$. C\d. plain, or 12*. coloured. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended aa Popular Illustrations of the Science, leading to its...Study as a Branch of General Education. By JAMES L. DRI MMOND, MD l^mo. with HX) Wood-cuts, comprising 2IH) Figures. 9s. bds. The DIFFERENT MODES of CULTIVATING... | |
| Johann Caspar Lavater - 1827 - 394 pages
...English Flora" of the late Sir James Smith. FIRST STEPS TO BOTANY, intended as Popular Illustrations ot the Science, leading to its Study as a Branch of General Education. By JAME8 L. DRUMMOND, MD, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. 3d... | |
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...and LS &c. and T. TAYLOR, MDMRIA and FLS &c. gvo. 2d Edit. 31s. ad. plain, and 31. 3s. col'd plates. FIRST STEPS TO BOTANY, intended as Popular Illustrations...Physiology in the Belfast- Academical Institution. 3d edit., I2mo., with cuts, 05. boards. "This answers more completely to the proper notion of an Introduction... | |
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...Crusades, and heiiaa executed it with equal learning, fidelity, and elegance." — Monthly Review. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as popular Illustrations...study as a Branch of General Education. By JAMES L. DHUMMOND, MD Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. I'd Edition.... | |
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...3 Vols. post STO. 21. 2s. Bds. 89. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as popular Illustrations of th* Science, leading to Its Study as a Branch of general Education. By JAMU L. DKUMMOND, MD Professor of Anatomy and Physiology In the Belfast Academical Institution. In... | |
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...Plates and Portraits of the Authors, Sth edition, price 41. A SCIENTIFIC INDEX may be had, price 2s. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as popular Illustrations...Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. 2d Edition. In 12mo. with numerous Woodcuts, Price 9s. Bds. " This answers more completely to the proper... | |
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...of the Authors, 5th edition, price 41. A SCIENTIFIC INDEX to former Editions may be had, price 2s. FIRST STEPS to BOTANY, intended as popular Illustrations...Branch of General Education. By JAMES L. DRUMMOND, M.IX Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in the Belfast Academical Institution. 2d Edit. In 12mo. with... | |
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