| Thomas Erskine Baron Erskine - 1813 - 278 pages
...impressions under a habitual reserve, which honour imposes. Hope is the parent of desire, and honor tells him he must not hope. Loose thoughts may arise,...into the mind of God or man " May come and go, so Xinapprov'd, and leave " No spot or blame behind." Gentlemen, I trouble you with these reflections,... | |
| John Milton - 1813 - 342 pages
...talk, in this thy dream, 115 But with addition strange; yet be not sad. K. vif into the mind of Go<l or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or blame behind : which gives me hope, That what in sleep thou didst abhor to dream, 120 Waking thou never wilt consent... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1816 - 524 pages
...alarms ; for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind, MILTON. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged, by which the imagination is iritangled.... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1818 - 368 pages
...alarms ; .for thoughts are only criminal, when they are first chosen, and then voluntarily continued. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or stain behind. Mn. TON. In futurity chiefly are the snares lodged, by which the imagination is entangled.... | |
| Juvenal - 1819 - 770 pages
...ut nosmet iuuoceutia tuteiuur. Praeclare quoque nostram iu rem Miltoniu iu Paradise lost V, 117 sq. Evil into the mind of God or Man May come and go so unapprov'd and leave No spot от blame behind. Couf. Heynius in Praefat. ad Tibullum, iupr. {. 2. et 3. edit. pr. ubi ostendit... | |
| John Milton - 1819 - 484 pages
...pure, &c.] Epistle to Titus ; ch. I. ». 15. — There is a similar thought in Par. Lost. V. 117. " Evil into the mind of GOD or Man " May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leava " No spot or blame behind." * The chief of learned Men reputed in thit Land, Mr. Selden. not... | |
| Catherine Talbot - 1819 - 414 pages
...formed in the highest perfection of uncorrupted nature, conversant . i • * Evil into the mind of Cod or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or blame behind. Par. Lost, Book, v. 252 Dialogue iv. daily with celestial visitors, and by them instructed ? I see... | |
| George Holden - 1819 - 538 pages
...first step to virtue is, to endeavour instantly to repress them. — Compare ch. xxiv. 9, and note. " Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapproved, and leave No spot or blame behind." — Paradise Lost, v. 117. — fay flume hand upon... | |
| Juvenal - 1820 - 488 pages
...ut nosmct innocentia tiitemnr. Fraudare quoque nostram in rem Miltonns in Paradise Lost v. 117. sq. Evil into the mind of God or man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or blame behind. Conf. Heynius in l'i H'l'.ii . ad Tibulliini, inpr. $ 2. et 3. edit. pr. ubi ostendit, quale partim... | |
| John Milton - 1820 - 342 pages
...find Of our last evening's talk in this thy dream, 115 But with addition strange : yet be not sad. • Evil into the mind of God or Man May come and go, so unapprov'd, and leave No spot or blame behind : which gives me hope, That what in sleep thou did'st abhor to dream, ISO Waking thou never wilt consent... | |
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