Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides; Where the vile bands that bind the thatch are seen, And lath and mud are all that lie between; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely... The Universal Magazine - Page 4361808Full view - About this book
 | Ludwig Herrig - 1906 - 844 pages
...deny. ... Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides; as Where the vile bands that bind the thatch are seen,...that lie between; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patched, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day: Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread,... | |
 | René Louis Huchon - 1907 - 600 pages
...ascend with him into the sick-room : . . . That room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides, Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day ; Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch... | |
 | Sir Spencer Walpole - 1908 - 356 pages
...wretched paves the way for death? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...that lie between ; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patch 'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day : Here, on a matted flock, with dust... | |
 | University of Calcutta - 1908 - 562 pages
...that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides : Where the vile hands that bind the thatch are seen, And lath and mud are all that lie between : Here on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch reclines his languid head For him... | |
 | John William Cunliffe, James Francis Augustin Pyre, Karl Young, James Francis Augustine Pyre - 1910 - 656 pages
...wretched paves the way for death ? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...that lie between ; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patched, gives way 266 To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day: Here, on a matted flock, with dust... | |
 | William Macneile Dixon, Sir Herbert John Clifford Grierson - 1911 - 792 pages
...wretched paves the way for death ? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day : Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch... | |
 | William Macneile Dixon - 1911 - 792 pages
...wretched paves the way for death ? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...the thatch are seen, And lath and mud are all that he between ; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes... | |
 | 1841 - 662 pages
...the madman gay. * * * * * * " Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day, Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch reclines... | |
 | George Crabbe - 1914 - 634 pages
...wretched paves the way for death ? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day : Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch... | |
 | Ernest Bernbaum - 1918 - 422 pages
...wretched paves the way for death? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping 'sides; Where the vile bands that bind...that lie between, Save one dull pane that, coarsely patched, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day: Here on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread,... | |
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