Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides; Where the vile bands that bind the thatch are seen, And lath and mud are all that lie between; Save one dull pane, that, coarsely... The Universal Magazine - Page 4361808Full view - About this book
 | David Nichol Smith - 1926 - 744 pages
...wretched paves the way for death? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day : Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch... | |
 | Tom Peete Cross, Clement Tyson Goode - 1927 - 1432 pages
...wretched paves the way for death? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form * a@k7; ; 265 Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patched, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day:... | |
 | Crabbe - 1967 - 492 pages
...wretched paves the way for death? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day : Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch... | |
 | Henry Allon - 1882 - 592 pages
...rarely seen? Why does it happen that Crabbe's description of a peasant's dwelling is so often true? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And...are seen, And lath and mud are all that lie between. Alas ! our poor rustic labourers can but seldom obtain the comfort of a useful garden. England in this... | |
 | 568 pages
...wretched paves the way for death ? Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides ; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day. Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch reclines... | |
 | Arthur Finley Scott - 1957 - 240 pages
...of useless thousands ends. (*) Such is that room which one rude beam divides, And naked rafters form the sloping sides; Where the vile bands that bind...pane, that, coarsely patch'd, gives way To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day: Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, The drooping wretch reclines... | |
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