An heir of glory! a frail child of dust! Helpless immortal! insect infinite! A worm ! a god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost ! at home a stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own: how reason reels! Poétique anglaise - Page 354by Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806Full view - About this book
| John Aikin - 1821 - 412 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sully'd and absorpt ! Though sully'd and dishonour'd, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...! at home a stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surpris'd, aghast, And wondering at her own : How Reason reels ! O what a miracle to man is man, Triumphantly... | |
| British poets - 1822 - 274 pages
...Deity ! A beam etherial, sullied and absorp'd ! Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...At home -a, stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own. How Reason reels ! O what a miracle to man is man ! Triumphantly... | |
| William Jillard Hort - 1822 - 234 pages
...the Deity. A beam etherial, sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine. Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...child of dust ! Helpless immortal ! insect infinite I A worm ! a god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself, am lost ! at home a stranger ; Thought wanders... | |
| 1822 - 284 pages
...Deity! A beam etherial, sullied and absorp'd ! , Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory! a frail child of dust! Helpless immortal 1 insect infinite ! A worm! a God!—I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost. At home a stranger,... | |
| 1822 - 336 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied, and absorpt, Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine : Dim miniature of greatness absolute, An heir of glory, a frail child of dui,t, Helpless immortal, insect infinite, A worm — a God ! Yooso's Tfifht Thoughts. under which... | |
| British poets - 1824 - 676 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sully'd, and absorpt ! Tho' sully'd, and dishonour'd, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...Helpless immortal ! insect infinite ! A worm ! a God ! Young's Night Thoughts, n. 1. O what a miracle to man is man, Triumphantly distressed ! what joy... | |
| 1826 - 398 pages
...the Deity ; A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonour*d, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...Helpless immortal ! insect infinite ! A worm ! a god ! Young. I should like to see some comments on the above extracts. I can send some more on the same... | |
| Benjamin Humphrey Smart - 1826 - 242 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorbed ! Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine. Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...Helpless immortal ! insect infinite ! A worm ! a god ! 12 1 tremble at myself, And in myself am lost. At home a stranger Thought wanders up and down surprised,... | |
| 1826 - 488 pages
...his frame. A Beam ethereal ! sullied and absorpt, Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine, Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory,...Helpless immortal! insect infinite! A worm ! — a god! Human excellence is inseparable from a high degree of moral elevation. The man of superior talents... | |
| Edward Young - 1826 - 318 pages
...Deity !' 75 A beSm ethereal, sullied and absorb'd ! Though sullied and dishonour 'd, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...child of dust ! Helpless immortal ! insect infinite ! 80 A worm ! A god ! — I tremble at myself, And in myself am4ost. At home a stranger, Thought wanders... | |
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