An heir of glory! a frail child of dust! Helpless immortal! insect infinite! A worm ! a god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost ! at home a stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own: how reason reels! Poétique anglaise - Page 354by Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806Full view - About this book
| Elizabeth Stryker Ricord - 1840 - 440 pages
...of distant worlds! Distinguish'd link in being's endless chain ! Midway from nothing to the Deity! An heir of glory, a frail child of dust. Helpless...god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself, am lost." YOUNG. With these impressions of the noble nature of man, must not those, to say the least, be considered... | |
| Gems - 1841 - 624 pages
...the Deity ! L A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt! Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory!...lost. At home a stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own. How reason reels! Oh ! what a miracle to man is man !... | |
| Andrew Comstock - 1841 - 410 pages
...etherial, sullied, and absorpt' / | Though sullied, and dishonour'd, | still divine, ! | Dim miniatureb of greatness absolute ! | An heir of glo'ry ! | a...God, / — | I tremble at myself, | And in myself am los^. | At home, a stranger, | Thought wanders up, and down,0 | surpris'd', | aghast', | And wond'ring... | |
| 1842 - 840 pages
...union. " A beam ethereal, sullied and absorbed, Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine — Dim miniature of greatness absolute ; An heir of glory...Helpless immortal — insect infinite; A worm — a god !" And well does he draw his inference— -" I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost." We can dive... | |
| Parent - 1843 - 222 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...god ! I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost." YOUNG. " In my baptism .1 was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom... | |
| H. D. - 1843 - 438 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...! — I tremble at myself, And in myself am lost. YOUNG. III. GOD'S KNOWLEDGE OF OUR THOUGHTS, WORDS, AND ACTIONS. I know the things that come into your... | |
| William Morrison Engles - 1844 - 274 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorbed! Tho' sullied and dishonoured, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...At home, a stranger, Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own. How reason reels ! O what a miracle to man is man, Triumphantly... | |
| William Bentley Fowle - 1844 - 302 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ; Though sullied and dishonored, still divine ! Dim miniature of greatness absolute ! An heir of glory...home, a stranger, — Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast, Ajid wondering at her own. How reason reels ! O what a miracle to man is man ! Triumphantly... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine ! Dim $ 0 ~$ surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own. How reason reels ! Oh what a miracle to man is man! Triumphantly... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1844 - 738 pages
...the Deity ! A beam ethereal, sullied and absorpt ! Though sullied and dishonoured, still divine ! Dim r style — which I, who can never wish to see dependence...English liberty will hinder or destroy — let them, wanden up and down, surprised, aghast, And wondering at her own. How reason reel» ! Oh what a miracle... | |
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