| Richard Lovelace, William Carew Hazlitt - 1864 - 360 pages
...Original has Koa. TO ALT HE A. FROM PRISON. ) SONG. SET BY DB. JOHN WILSON.1 I. HEN love with vmconfined wings Hovers within my gates ; A.nd my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lye tangled in her haire,2 And fetterd to her eye,3 1 The first stanza of this... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1865 - 784 pages
...till 1658, when he died of consumption, induced by misery and \vant. TO ALTHKA. Written in Prison. When love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates : And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates: When I lie tangled in her hair, And fetter'd to her eye ; The gods that wanton in the air,... | |
| Frederick Saunders - 1866 - 412 pages
...loved I not honour more. His fine lines written during his incarceration, To Althea, commence : — When Love, with unconfined wings, hovers within my...at my grates : When I lie tangled in her hair, and fettered to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air know no such liberty. His last is the finest... | |
| Richard Henry Stoddard - 1866 - 240 pages
...bears a tafte, And both are the same thing at laft. SIR JOHN DENHAM. TO ALTHEA. FROM PRISON. [164*.; WHEN Love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates ; And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates : And fettered to her eye, The birds, that wanton in the air, Knoio no such liberty. When... | |
| Hubert Ashton Holden - 1866 - 726 pages
...you'll in your girls again be courted, and I'll go a wooing in my boys. 782 TO ALTHEA FROM PRISO.V WHEN love with unconfine"d wings hovers within my gates, and my divine Althea brings to whisper at the grates; when I lie tangled in her hair, and fettered to her eye, the birds that wanton in the air... | |
| Belgravia - 1866 - 552 pages
...soar above, Enjoy such liberty.' Whenever we read the verse that begins, ' When love with nnconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at my grates,' the scene rises before us : the fair pale face, with an aureole of golden hair gleaming between the... | |
| J. H. - 1867 - 860 pages
...unto you at last she flies, And in your fragrant bosom dies, Cares'. 337. TO ALTHEA— FROM PRISON. WHEN love, with unconfined wings, Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lie tangled in her hair And fettered to her eye — The birds that wanton in the... | |
| John Rolfe - 1867 - 404 pages
...like gathrin' storm, Nursin' her wrath, to keep it warm. BURNS. Tarn O'Shanter. TO ALTHEA FEOM PRISON. WHEN love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lie tangled in her hair And fetter'd to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air... | |
| Frederick Locker-Lampson - 1867 - 432 pages
...at sea. With a fa la, la, la, la. Charles Sackvillc, Earl of Dorset. LXXVIL TO ALTHEA, FROM PRISON WHEN Love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lie tangled in her hair And fetter'd to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air... | |
| Frederick Locker-Lampson - 1867 - 410 pages
...la. Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset. LXXVIII. TO ALTHEA, FROM PRISON. WHEN Love with unconfinfed wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lie tangled in her hair And fetter'd to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air... | |
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