| Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1899 - 646 pages
...fpeedily to end, left their own Power fhould de" termine with it. This I fpeak here to our own " Faces, is but what others do utter abroad behind " our Backs....far from reflecting on any, I " know the Worth of thofe Commanders, Members " of both Houfes, who are yet in Power ; but if I " may fpeak my Confidence... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1753 - 848 pages
...and not permit the War fpeedily to end, left their own Power {hould determine with it. This I fpeak here to our own Faces, it is but what others do utter...am far from reflecting on any ; I know the Worth of thofe Commanders, Members of both Houfes, who are yet in Power ; but, if I may fpeak my Confcience,... | |
 | Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1760 - 536 pages
...fpeedily to end, left their own power ilioulJ " determine with it. This I fpeak here to our own faces, is " but what others do utter abroad behind our backs...." far from reflecting on any ; I know the worth of thofe com" manders, members of both houfes, who are yet in power ; " but if I may fpeak my confcience... | |
 | William Harris - 1762 - 564 pages
...and not permit the war fpeedily to end, left their own power fhould determine with it. This I fpcak here to our own faces ; it is but what others do utter...am far from reflecting on any ; I know the worth of thofe commanders, members of both houfes, who are yet in power ; but if I may fpeak my confcicnce,... | |
 | William Harris - 1762 - 544 pages
...not permit the war fpeedily to end, left ' their own power fhouhl determine with it. This I * fpeak here to our own faces ; it is but what others * do utter abroad behind our backs. I am far from re* flecking on any ; I know the worth of thofe corrr' manders, members of both houfes, who are yet... | |
 | 1762 - 532 pages
...and not permit the War fpeedily to end, left their own Power (hould determine with it. This I fpeak here to our own Faces, it is but what others do utter abroad behind our Backs. ' 1 am far from reflecting on any ; I know the Worth of thofe Commanders, Members of both Houfes, who... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1808 - 834 pages
...themselves m pandeur, and not permit tha war speedily to end, lest ¡heir own power should detciminc with it. This I speak here to our own faces, it is but what otters da utter abroad behind our becks. I am far: from reflecting on any ; I know the worth of those... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1810 - 544 pages
...places and commands, and the sword into their hands ; and what by interest in parliament, and what by power in the army, will perpetually continue themselves...lest their own power should determine with it This 1 speak here to our own faces ; it is but what others do utter abroad behind our backs. 1 am far from... | |
 | Oliver Cromwell - 1821 - 518 pages
...and commands, and the sword into their hands ; and, what by interest in the Parliament, and what by power in the army, will perpetually continue themselves...and not permit the war speedily to end, lest their VOL. i. HH own power should determine with it. This I speak here to our own faces, is but what others... | |
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