| Lindley Murray - 1823 - 716 pages
...against the trifling ambition of teaching arts in a new language." CHAPTER II. OF THE ARTICLES. AN article is a word prefixed to substantives, to point them out, and to snow how far their signification extends : as, a garden, an eagle, the woman. In English, there are... | |
| 1823 - 872 pages
...English tongues there is the article prefixed to nouns, when they signify the common names of things, to point them out, and to show how far their signification extends. In the method of arrangement commonly followed in grammars, adjectives are classed with substantives,... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1823 - 94 pages
...LINDLEY( MURRAY, f ROM THE LATEST ENGLISH ED BY THE AUTHOR. CONCORD: .,r-, ,. . ...- i.,.. ARTICLE. An Article is a word prefixed to substantives, to point, them out and show how tar their signification extends; as a garden, an eagle, the woman. - In English there are... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1824 - 314 pages
...concealed under an imperfect or indigested word. — See this Chapter, in the OCTAYO Grammar. CHAPTER II. them out, and to show how far their signification...becomes an before a vowel,* and before a silent h ; as, aw acom, an hour. But if the h be sounded, the « only is to be used ; as, a hand, a heart, a highway.... | |
| J V. Douville - 1824 - 662 pages
...Adjective, the Pronoun, the Verb, the Adverb, the Preposition, the Conjunction, and the Interjection. 1. An Article is a word prefixed to Substantives, to point...and to show how far their signification extends ; as — un homme ; inn femme ; U roi. •2. A Substantive is the name of any thing that exists, or of which... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1825 - 278 pages
...how far their signification extends ; ,:s, a garden, an eagle, the woman. In English, there are hut two articles, a, and the : a becomes an before a vowel,* and before a silent h: as, an acfliHi., an hour. But if the « be sounded, the a only is to !'p used; as, a hand, a heart, a highway.... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1825 - 82 pages
...our, and to ihow how far their fignificaticn extends ; as, a garden, an eagle, tie woman. ItvEiiglifh there are but two articles, a and the : a becomes an* before a vowel, and before a filent h ; as, an acorn, an hour. A or an, the indefinite article, is ufed to point out one fingie... | |
| Samuel Barnard - 1825 - 328 pages
...such arrangement or not inserted in its proper place. I. ARTICLE. 31. An Article is a part of speech, prefixed to substantives, to point them out, and to show how far their signification extends. It is used to ascertain what particular thing or things are meant, as " give meiAe book; bring me the... | |
| Samuel Oliver (jun.) - 1825 - 418 pages
...Adjective or Adnoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. An Article is a word prefixt to substantives to point them out and to show how far their significations extend. - A Substantive or Noun is the name of any thing which exists, either substantially,... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1827 - 328 pages
...an imperfect or indigested word. — See this Chapter, in the OCTAVO Grammar. CHAPTER II. *' , tliem out, and to show how far their signification extends...a becomes an before a vowel,* and before a silent A; as, an acorn, an hour. But if the h be sounded, the a enly is to be used ; as, a hand, a heart,... | |
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