| 1785 - 328 pages
...chriftian. 1 9th chapter. Oh, that my words were now written, On, -that' they "were i primed in abdok! that they were graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rock for ever ! Fcr'rknovirth'aTrHy Redeemer liveth, and that he fhall ftand at the latter day on the earth. And... | |
| 1785 - 580 pages
...perfect chnflian. 19th chapter. Oh, that my words were now written, Oh, thac tnty were printed in a hook! that they were graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rock tor ever ! For I know tnat rriy C c 3 ReRedeemer liveth, and that he mall ftand at the latter day on... | |
| 1788 - 598 pages
...God hath touched me. 22 Why do ye perfecute me as God, and are not fatisfied with my flefh ? 23 Oh, that my words were now written : oh, that they were printed in a book ! 24 That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever ! 25 P'or I know that my... | |
| Daniel Bellamy - 1789 - 512 pages
...and obvious, that the words of Job refer to a very remote event. For thofe expreffions of his, Oh, that my words were now written ! Oh, that they were...graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever ! will carry little or no weight along with them, if we expound them of an event, that was fo fhortly... | |
| Richard Watson - 1791 - 558 pages
...words, which I am going to fpeak, were now written ! Oh, that they were printed in a bosk! Ver. 24. That they were graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rack {"my grave-ftone, SCHULTENS], for ever ! This is too grand for temporal deliverance. Why fhould... | |
| Richard Watson - 1791 - 542 pages
...ihall caft out the * The introdoflion to thefe voris is very fo'emn : "Ob, thit my word« were now— " graven with an iron pen, and lead, in the rock for ever." And how they were anciently u.iacrftood, appears from that addition to the end of the book of Job m... | |
| Robert MacCulloch - 1794 - 738 pages
...the metal or timber. In reference to this mode of writing, Job thus expreffed his ardent wifh: * Oh that my words * were now written! Oh that they were...with an iron pen and * lead, in the rock for ever * !' The other was executed upon parchment, and fkins of beafts, prepared for the purpofe, which, being... | |
| Thomas Wintle - 1794 - 322 pages
...with the firm faith that his Redeemer 1 Job. i. 8. E liveth, liveth, in this triumphant language; Oh! that my words were now written, oh! that they were printed in a took ; that they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever! For I know that my Redeemer,... | |
| John Pearson - 1797 - 632 pages
...expreffion, O that va. 23,1 my words were now written ! 0 that they were printed in a book ! 'That they ivere graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rock for ever ! He defires that his words may continue as long as his expectation, that they may remain in the i;ock,... | |
| Jeremiah Jones - 1798 - 334 pages
...of writing, which was in ufe in the time of Job, as is intimated in thefe words, ch. xix. 23, 24. Oh that my words •were now written ; oh that they were...graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rock for ever. Hence we read in Suetonius, that Nero made ufe of a plumbea charta, a plate oflead> called charta,... | |
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