| Ann Terry - 1827 - 130 pages
...salvation of his church and people. PAPER I. I HOPE I have avouched the Lord to be my God, and resolve to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and...his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice. And I humbly implore, that the Lord would avouch me to be one of his peculiar people, and that he would... | |
| Erastus Worthington - 1827 - 606 pages
...onrselves to the God whose name alone is Jehovah and is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to be his people, to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes and...and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice, declaring our firm assent to the truths and hearty consent to the tenor of the Gospel. We accept of... | |
| Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (1802-1822) - 1827 - 522 pages
...be found of thee : but if thou forsake him, he will sast thee off forever. Deut. xxvi. 17. Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and hia commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto hie voice. Isa. xliii. 10. Ye are my witnesses,... | |
| John Platts - 1827 - 572 pages
...be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth, do. xxvi. 18, 19 : The LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments ; and to make thee high above all nations which... | |
| William Guthrie - 1828 - 270 pages
...and are said to avouch him to be their God, and he doth avouch them to be his people : " Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk...day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments." Yea, the Lord doth also engage himself to... | |
| Assembly of divines shorter catech - 1828 - 84 pages
...xxviii. 9. And thou, Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy fathers. 6 Deut. xxvi. 17. Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk...his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken to his voice. c Matt. iv. 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 47... | |
| 1828 - 1042 pages
...judgments : ihou shall iherefore keep and do them with all thine heart, and with all thy sou!. 17 Thou hast Q commandA:> attar to be built. merits, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice : 18 And the... | |
| Lyman Beecher - 1828 - 380 pages
...with God, Moses says to the Jewish church, " Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God — and the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people." If this is not a profession of true religion, language is inadequate to the making of such a profession.... | |
| 1829 - 1012 pages
...judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. 17 Thou hast avouched the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk...statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, aud to hearken unto his voice : 18 And the LORD hath avouched theĢ this day to be his peculiarpeople,... | |
| Jonathan Edwards - 1830 - 612 pages
...and the people on the plains of Moab ; which is summarily described, Deut. xxri. 17, 18. " Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk...day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments." The people, in avouching God for their God,... | |
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